Beckman Mill Beloit, WI Open every Sat. & Sun. 1:00-4:00 pm Prices Sat. & Sun: $3 Donation May October Grinding First Saturday of Every Month & during Special Events Volunteer opportunities available School Tours & Group Tours - Call for Reservations and Rates Visit the park anytime! July 21 . Ice Cream Social 12-4pm .Artists Painting in the Park . Kids Activities Included Sept. 8 .Heritage Sunday 11am-4pm Historic Demostration . Food . Classic Cars . Military Re-enactment Music .Christian Country Witnesses Pleasant Valley Dutchmen .Ice Cream, Cake, & Rootbeer Floats Corn Grinding Demonstration & Buildings Open for Touring For more information call 608-751-1551 or email To Rent the Shelter Call 608-757-5450 5 miles west of Beloit on Cty. "H" between St. Lawrence and Hwy 81 I Like us on Facebook Beckman Mill Beloit, WI Open every Sat. & Sun. 1:00-4:00 pm Prices Sat. & Sun: $3 Donation May October Grinding First Saturday of Every Month & during Special Events Volunteer opportunities available School Tours & Group Tours - Call for Reservations and Rates Visit the park anytime! July 21 . Ice Cream Social 12-4pm .Artists Painting in the Park . Kids Activities Included Sept. 8 .Heritage Sunday 11am-4pm Historic Demostration . Food . Classic Cars . Military Re-enactment Music .Christian Country Witnesses Pleasant Valley Dutchmen .Ice Cream, Cake, & Rootbeer Floats Corn Grinding Demonstration & Buildings Open for Touring For more information call 608-751-1551 or email To Rent the Shelter Call 608-757-5450 5 miles west of Beloit on Cty. "H" between St. Lawrence and Hwy 81 I Like us on Facebook