OSF HEALTHCARE KEEPING YOU CONNECTED AND INFORMED OSF HealthCare has THREE ways to connect you 24/7 to trustworthy information about novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Visit our chatbot Clare, a digital assistant, at osfhealthcare.org Text OSF to 67634 to connect with OSF COVID Companion, a FREE text messaging tool Call the COVID-19 Nurse Hotline* at 1-833-OSF-KNOW (833-673-5669) *Stoffed by RNs and other heolth core professionals. SOSF HEALTHOCARE OSF HEALTHCARE KEEPING YOU CONNECTED AND INFORMED OSF HealthCare has THREE ways to connect you 24/7 to trustworthy information about novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Visit our chatbot Clare, a digital assistant, at osfhealthcare.org Text OSF to 67634 to connect with OSF COVID Companion, a FREE text messaging tool Call the COVID-19 Nurse Hotline* at 1-833-OSF-KNOW (833-673-5669) *Stoffed by RNs and other heolth core professionals. SOSF HEALTHOCARE